My PC setup for streaming, gaming, and VR

I wanted to do build my own PC since I was a kid. My dad was working with computers and he built the only PC we had at home. After that, I moved on to using laptops, but I was super jealous of anyone who built their own PC. I was just postponing the moment to build my own.



When I started streaming for a long time I was streaming from the same computer I was working on (2015 MacBook Pro, 2018 Mac Mini, and 2019 MacBook Pro 16"). All of them are powerful computers, but streaming takes a lot of resources and puts a lot of strain on the device. When OBS was running, my code editor and Sizzy were becoming super sluggish, and as a result, I was slower at everything I was doing.


Let's build a PC

So I decided to build a separate PC for streaming... Alright, I'm gonna lie to you if I tell you that was the only reason. I wanted to build a beast of a machine that can handle streaming but also any game that you throw at it.


Building the PC

Of course, when the parts arrived I wasn't prepared at all, so I called my dad on FaceTime, and he guided me through the entire process. He's a perfectionist, so when we were almost done with the build he decided to undo everything just because the motherboard seemed off by a few millimeters 🤦‍♂️ The entire process took us 12 hours and I made a video of it here:


If you are also on the verge of building your own PC but you're not really sure about it: If I could do it, you can do it, seriously.


I can't believe that I combined a bunch of parts and in the end, this frickin' magical thing turned ON! And it works. WHAT!?


I am mostly used to Apple computers and I'm so tired of their shit. The second this puppy turned on I was like "screw Apple this is the BEST!" If I want to upgrade a part I can just pop the case open and change whatever I need, that's amazing!


Using the PC

I was planning to play all sorts of games on this machine, but unfortunately, an old habit kicked in and I got stuck playing just one game. I made a video about it a few months ago:


Nowadays I'm using it every day for running my streams, for gaming and racing and for gaming in VR using Oculus Link.