Top posts
GPT-3 is the beginning of the end
Developers are scared of change. But why? Here are my thoughts on how no-code tools, AI, and GPT-3 will change the web development industry as we know it.
GitHub stars won't pay your rent
Going from OSS to SaaS. Mistakes made and lessons learned from launching Sizzy - The Browser For Developers.
The saddest "Just Ship It" story ever
This is a story of how it took me way too long to ship a product, and I ended up paying for a competitor product instead.
Other posts
Type-Safe meta images with Next.js and @vercel/og
My zsh config
Exploring the aliases from my zsh config
How to rewire Zigbee2MQTT Switches to Be Displayed as Lights in Home Assistant
Learn how to reconfigure Zigbee2MQTT switches as lights in Home Assistant for smoother automation and control
A new way of watching YouTube
I'm tired of YouTube consuming parts of my life, so I fixed it.
I shot a video with Katy Perry
Pomodoro with accountability
A new way to be accountable at the end of each pomodoro using Time Out, Google Forms, and Notion.
Generating social media images by screenshotting React components
Generate social media images by screenshotting React components when building your static site
Introducing Fungarzione: The app for keeping your users in the loop
I made an app that covers the entire user journey of an app: feedback, roadmap, and changelogs.
The best Stream Deck alternative: Make your own!
Don't want to buy a Stream Deck? Here's how you can make your own for free!
From Hello World to a production app: The magic of Blitz
How I went from Hello World to a live production app in a few days with Blitz.js - The Fullstack React Framework
How to magically free up gigabytes of disk space
If you have a lot of JS projects on disk, that means you have a lot of node_modules
folders taking up a bunch of space. Here's how you can easily delete them and free up space.
Fastest way to thoroughly uninstall apps on macOS
When uninstalling an app, macOS leaves behind a bunch of cache and files on disk. All of this junk can eventually pile up and take a bunch of unwanted space. Here's an easy and fast way to thoroughly uninstall apps on macOS.
A better way to manage multiple monitors on macOS
One of the things that Windows does better is managing external displays. Doing this in macOS is a nightmare. Apple is focusing on improving Memoji. As always, there's a third-party app that fixes this.
An underrated way to keep up with web development
A simple way to stay up to date with the latest in webdev, without the stress of being on Twitter all day.
You're either a Zero or a One
Stop obsessing with metrics.