18 days ago

My zsh config

Here's a breakdown of my .zshrc file, explaining each alias, export, and function to help you understand how I’ve customized my terminal workflow.



Aliases simplify repetitive commands, saving time and effort. Here are the ones I’ve configured:


1. YOLO Git Commit

alias yolo='git add . && git commit -m "YOLO commit" && git push origin main'
  • Purpose: For those "quick and dirty" git commits when working on a personal project.
  • How it works:
  • Stages all changes (git add .).
  • Commits with a default message "YOLO commit".
  • Pushes to the main branch.
  • 2. TypeScript YOLO Commit

    alias tsyolo='npx tsc && git add . && git commit -m "YOLO commit" && git push origin main'
  • Purpose: Adds TypeScript compilation to the YOLO commit process.
  • How it works:
  • Runs the TypeScript compiler (npx tsc).
  • Stages all changes, commits, and pushes like the yolo alias.
  • 3. Edit .zshrc

    alias zedit='cursor ~/.zshrc'
  • Purpose: Quickly opens the .zshrc file in the editor.
  • How it works:
  • Uses cursor (replace with your preferred editor if necessary).
  • 4. Reload .zshrc

    alias zsource='source ~/.zshrc'
  • Purpose: Reloads the shell configuration without restarting the terminal.
  • How it works:
  • Sources the .zshrc file, applying any changes.
  • 5. Kill Process on Port 3000

    alias kill3000="lsof -t -i :3000 | xargs kill -9"
  • Purpose: Terminates any process using port 3000.
  • How it works:
  • Finds the process ID (lsof -t -i :3000).
  • Kills the process forcefully (kill -9).
  • 6. Download YouTube Videos

    alias download-youtube="node /Volumes/SSD/scripts/youtube-downloader-communicator/add-video.js"
  • Purpose: Triggers a Node.js script to download YouTube videos.
  • How it works:
  • Executes the script with Node.js. Ensure the script exists at the specified path.
  • Exports

    Exports modify the environment variables for enhanced functionality.


    1. Prevent Homebrew Cleanup

  • Purpose: Stops Homebrew from automatically removing old versions of installed formulae during updates.
  • 2. Adjust PATH

    export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"
  • Purpose: Ensures Homebrew binaries are prioritized in the PATH variable.
  • How it works:
  • Adds /opt/homebrew/bin to the front of the PATH.
  • Functions

    Functions are more flexible than aliases and allow more complex behavior.


    1. Find an Alias

    aliasfinder() {
    alias | fzf --preview="echo {} | cut -d'=' -f2-" --height=20 --border --preview-window=down:3:wrap
  • Purpose: Search through aliases interactively.
  • How it works:
  • Lists all aliases.
  • Pipes them to fzf (fuzzy finder).
  • Displays the full command in a preview window.
  • 2. Restart Docker Containers

    alias docker-restart='docker compose down && docker compose up -d'
  • Purpose: Restarts Docker containers with a single command.
  • How it works:
  • Stops and removes the containers (docker compose down).
  • Starts them again in detached mode (docker compose up -d).

  • These customizations make my workflow smoother, enabling quick actions and saving me from repetitive typing. Feel free to adapt these commands to your own .zshrc and optimize your terminal experience!


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    These customizations make my workflow smoother, enabling quick actions and saving me from repetitive typing. Feel free to adapt these commands to your own .zshrc and optimize your terminal experience!


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