My Mac setup for development, video editing, and making music

I was using a docked MacBook until I realized that docking a laptop when you spend 95% of your time at home is a dumb idea. Also, fuck having not enough ports, too many dongles, listening to the sound of fans going crazy because you're running Slack, the monitors not waking up etc. Fuck. All. Of. That.


I wanted a desktop computer that can run macOS.

  • I didn't want to build a Hackintosh for the same reason I don't want to mess with Android phones and install ROMs: I'm not 14 anymore
  • I didn't get an iMac because ... bezels. Hey, everyone? Have you noticed the ginormous ugly bezels on this thing? Why would you stare at that ugly thing every day? I really don't get people.
  • I didn't get a Mac Pro because it didn't exist a few years ago. If it did, I would 100% go with it.
  • I settled on a Mac Mini 2018.


    External GPU

    I'm gonna repeat this mistake so many times in my life until I learn my lesson. One device is not meant to do everything, Kitze. Learn the lesson already. Get different devices for different purposes.

  • When I got my first MacBook I installed Windows via Bootcamp on it and I tried to pair it with a controller for some gaming on my TV. It was such a frustrating experience that it made me buy my first console: PlayStation 4. Made for gaming in front of a TV, you know?
  • When I got an iPad 2 back in the day, I was so frustrated by all the limitations that I jailbroke it and tried to tweak the shit out of it. Until I realized that I want a customizable tablet, so I got a Nexus 7.
  • When I got the Mac Mini I got excited by the idea of also using it a gaming machine, so I bought an eGPU and a 500GB external SSD drive so I can have enough space for games. What an absolute moron. JUST GET A PC, PAST-KITZE.

    First of all, for the price that I paid for the eGPU setup I could've built a solid PC. Second, even though the Vega 64 is on the list of supported GPUs for macOS, setting this up with Windows 10 and Bootcamp was a nightmare.


    But Kitze, why Windows? What about gaming on macOS?


    HAHAHA I love your sense of humor, you're funny!


    Anyway. I tried so many combinations of cables, drivers, and ways of running it that it drove me crazy. I also had to downgrade Windows and block some updates until I finally found the version that works. When I got it to work, it was mostly fine, but I was expecting the setup to break every time there was a driver or a Windows update. Sometimes the Mac Mini wouldn't wake up, or it would randomly glitch out. Eventually, I got rid of Windows and Bootcamp, decided to build a separate PC, and nowadays I only use the eGPU setup for video editing.


    Apple Laptops

    I had 3 Apple laptops so far, and all of them had their fair share of issues. When everyone was jumping on the TouchBar + Butterfly Keyboard hype (kill me if I know why) I was still being stubborn and wanted to keep my 2015 as long as possible. Until Apple said the battery could explode (nice). The Air was a dumb mistake. Hopefully, I'll keep the 2019 Pro for at least 5 years.


    Making Music

    I'm using the Mac Mini for playing guitar, piano, and recording some music, but I'm also using the same audio setup for listening to music, having a meeting, etc.